Rainy day, even though its not cold, thankfully. My sweet friend and neighbor Kanika dropped by to share some good home made 'Pakoras' to dampen the spirit of rain. The bonding that Pakoras share with tea is unique and savored by all. As another evening settles down for yet another night letting my imaginations to wander, i am almost caught unaware until my baby wakes up and makes his presence felt.
The days, the month, the hours, the moments that have passed and are passing are all silently reminding me to do something worthy in my life. But what? Job, giving good upbringing to my child, leading a healthy family life, taking care of my families, setting my priorities skilfully in my life, being the better half in the real sense, connecting well with people, maintaing cordial relationships with friends and neighbors....what???? Perhaps i don't know! If in some way i can help somebody, someway i can bring smile on somebody's face, somehow i can be trustworthy of someone will it add some meaning to my life? Yes, but i do not want to sound boisterous. I want to play safe both with my feelings and words.
Just by turning pages of books, newspaper, visiting the websites can help us realize that sipping tea and having pakoras is not everybody's cup of tea! Well, i may not have any solution to any of the problems that people are facing while i croon with my own set of problems, yet realization and compassion are such vibes which i can send across to the people. Get up, face it, beat it! That's the mantra.
While my baby needs some attention now, i think i need to stop thing now and think what he is thinking so that i can provide the best to him. Stay happy!