The festive season for Bengalis are almost over. Durga Puja, Lakshmi Puja, Kali Puja or Diwali and Bhai Fota. It's a galore of celebrations for the Bengalis world wide which every single Bengali looks forward to. While the non Bengalis worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh together on Diwali, Bengalis worship Goddess Lakshmi exactly on the seventh day after Durga Puja. On Diwali, Bengali worship Goddess Kali. Festivals are a source of enlightenment of our our cultures and traditions. It binds us all with the power of love, traditions and a sense of faith towards the Almighty.
Coming to the other part of the globe, the fall festival kicks in around the month of September. The leaves adorn different shades of red, green and yellow making themselves a visual treat for the onlookers. The dry leaves strewn all over and gently blown over by the wind gives us a reminder of the winters that's soon to follow. The excited kids have enjoyed their Halloween with or without the candies. While love for candies and chocolates are almost universal, yet there are kids who relish just by looking the pictures of the candies in their books or any print or electronic advertisement. A bagful of candies may not be healthy for the teeth and their gentle tummies, yet the sight of candies surpasses all the resolutions for not to have them. Colorful theme based costumes, spooky make ups, remembering the dead could not have been more colorful.
Halloween is soon to be followed by the Thanksgiving and the festive season steps in completely. Well decorated homes with the lights adds fun in the absence of the lush green trees. The naked trees mostly with their trimmed branches gets some make over with those tiny warm bulbs adding light and warmth to the festive season. Christmas and New Year are those time of the year which in my words are basically three things fun, love and enjoyment. Fun with shopping, decorating minds and lives, love to be shared with family and friends, and enjoyment with your dearest ones. It's the power of the festive season which brings everyone on the same platform. Of course there are people who are deprived and denied of all the above mentioned things.
Before you wear a new dress,open your gift and enjoy your meal with your favorite people this festive season, say a silent prayer for those needy ones who spend nights in the cold without a morsel or without any warm clothing. Let this festive season bring a smile on the lips of every child living anywhere on this globe......