Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Tiffin Tales 130


I am here after a little over a month. The weather has changed here for sure. It's early spring even though we do experience bouts of cold days every other day. A few birds can be spotted which is a positive spring sign, I guess. February was all about snow and more snow. 

I wrote a short story in the month of February which I haven't published here. Incase you get curious let me know, I will share here. It feels good when you write something and it gets published in your community magazine. A few people go through it and get back to you with some encouraging words. So the month of February was uniform to me.

March for me is all about spring, birds chirping, green new leaves, spring cleaning and of course putting the heavy duty jackets to rest for a while. The lighter ones take the prime spot. Even though not all trees get new leaves yet they do show signs of spring which is so stimulating. Spring cleaning, I have renamed it as March madness. The snow boots, the heavy jackets and comforters and all other winter accessories get a quick spin in the washer or the sun. I try to replace my bed sheets with the floral ones to revive my freshness of mind. Very soon the tulips will be out in the garden and floral sections of the stores.

Did I mention I recently tried my hand on banana bread? My Bengali family has more than one sweet tooth and we binge on different sweet items every so often. I am conservative with sweets but do enjoy making them. The banana bread was all good except for the sizing. I didn't have a proper bread baking pan and instead used an aluminum foil pan for that. My younger one was certain that it was a cake. It took some art skill to cut it into a rectangular shape of a bread and serve them. I triumphed the taste but failed to convince the little one to call it a bread. Well a few more attempts will surely follow soon.

It's been close to a year that the pandemic gyrated our lives. Slowly we all have adapted our lifestyles to the new norms and following it. The journey hasn't been easy for anyone of us and we all are still battling it every single day. Here's hoping that the new weather brings more positivity in our lives. May we continue to grow and shine in our respective areas. Happy reading!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tiffin Tales 129


This is the first post of 2021 so let's be good and hopeful. The ramifications of the previous year are still continuing and might as well occupy a major part of this year as well.

Masks, sanitizers and distancing are perhaps the most used and memorized words of the year. I can miss a heartbeat but not masks. 

Speaking of masks we all wear masks of different kinds. To stay away from germs, to hide ourselves from some people and situations, to run away, to conceal our emotions and so on and on. But the outward shield is currently very important.

It's winters here and most of us home. Work from home, working for home but all in home. The house looks like some kind of pandemonium.We clean less and make it messy more. Messy as in with toys and books. Netflix is our best companion and delivery guys are best friends.The cars need less fuel and electricity and water bills have increased. Oh yes, not to forget the fridge which are always loaded but we always look and feel hungry. The dishwashers are working overtime and perhaps looking for a quick break as well.

Last year we celebrated all our festivals, birthdays and all other occasions at home with people participating virtually. This year let's hope we can meet our families, hug them, share food and laugh together.

The year of 2020 has been harsh on each one of us. We singed, painted, danced, baked learnt something new to keep ourselves going. We are still struggling but let's pray the sun shines soon.

Till then take it easy for no time lasts forever. The clouds shall pass too. Till then smile and keep moving. Stay safe and good wishes to all.