Thursday, September 10, 2020

Tiffin Tales 126


I hope everyone is just sailing through these tough times and amidst the tough waters. The weather has changed and suddenly we miss the summer sun as autumn has kicked in. The days are getting shorter and temperatures have dipped down. The shorts and sleeveless dresses are slowly going for wash to be folded and packed for next summer. We are on the ninth month of the year and I feel the gestation period is getting over. The remedy for this pandemic will be here soon. Hold on! this isn't any information but a strong feeling that things will get better sometime soon. This is hope I feel.

Today I will share some something apart from my story. Not a story though but weaved close enough to be a story. In my childhood years there was a girl in my neighborhood who went by the name 'Seema'. She was as ordinary as you can imagine. Her parents were working and she was mostly taken care by the helper of the house under the vigilance of her grandmother. Seema led a normal life but to many children of the neighborhood she was boring. She was never interested in any games that other children of her age played. She used to sit in one corner, watch others play. In school she mostly kept to herself and was an average student. Sometimes she used to talk to others which was less though compared to the kids who used to scream when they were declared out of the game unjustified. Less talks, no enthusiasm, no hobbies cumulatively labelled her as boring. On her birthdays we all were invited but she used to show very less interest in cakes and balloons. She used to observe the other kids who were ready to pounce on her cake. A few years later they moved to a different town and we kind of forgot Seema.

We all grew up moved out in our separate journeys. In these fast paced we lost a lot of people, relations and most importantly lost track of time. Our children's birthdays forcibly makes us realize that time flow is expedited. We no longer celebrate our birthdays because planning for our children's birthdays has taken over precedence. Just before the pandemic hit us badly I happened to get in touch with of my childhood friends and in a surprisingly twist to our conversation came to know about Seema. She is happily married and her children are growing up fine. She isn't very active on social media which I guess has lot to do with her childhood nature of laziness. During my conversation I was surprised to know from my friend that Seema has grown up to be a smart and really strong woman. She takes no hogwash and ridiculousness from life and people. She stands up for all the inequity and abuse that people and life throw at her.

Seema is a school teacher and on several occasions has been ridiculed by her family members over her inability to cook well. Her mornings are usually busy and by evening her children, their studies accompanied with other chores leaves her little time to make a proper dinner or lunch.The taunts got from bad to worse and her in laws mocked that her children will never know the taste of proper home cooked meal. The fast paced generation will live on fast food because their mother runs on killing pace. When the digs got deeper Seema retorted. According to Seema her children will learn a lot of other things besides seeing their mother sweating in the kitchen trying fiercely to make them the perfect lunch or dinner.

Mothers these days juggle amidst lot of things. She can bake a cake and produce a movie. She can fly an aircraft and equally make a nutritious meal. She can share the equal responsibilities along with their father and in return their father can also turn up a nice meal. They can go on vacations because their mother can contribute. Mothers can take a selfie while tying the shoe laces. Mothers need and deserve a mini vacation, if not anywhere at least with her parents. She should not be sulking and craving to meet them. Mothers realize the importance of mental health and a happy mother leads to a happy home. Children learn the basics of life from home, family and most importantly from their mothers.

Seema's children may not be enjoying any delicacies but everyday they see their mother struggling to keep sanity in their home. They see their mother's endeavors, her sacrifices and above all a strong independent lady who knows her mind and doesn't remain captive of other people's words.

I am surprised how Seema has evolved over the years and I am equally happy that she is fighting not only for her but for her children too who loves her and most importantly respects her just like they do their father. Children are certainly learning, perhaps less from text books and more from the world around them...Thoughts????

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