Thursday, August 23, 2018

Tiffin Tales 1


Its a new chapter of my life these days and i keep going on short hiatus every now and then. My child is going to a full day school and we all are excited. School, which brings tons of memories for most of us. Growing up is fun, well for mostly unless the circumstances are hostile.

School, the first place where me friends (technically) because neighbors keep changing. While i am still in touch with some friends who were neighbors too but we all like to remember friends from school or college. The lucky ones get friends for life while the others lose their way but the memories are always so special. The pranks, the lunch breaks, the first crush or heartbreaks all develop in school.

Well the same gush of excitement went through our veins when our child was preparing for school. Growing up in small town we didn't have the most chic or upscale stationaries but books and few pencils or pens and the lunch prepared by our mothers was certainly the best phenomenon for school days.

Coming to tiffin, these days its scarifying to me what to pack for lunch and snacks. My not so fussy eater wants diversity in his box. The first few days have the regular ones but it wont last long. This morning it was simple pasta with chicken sausage but with a silent note, "Mamma, please make some poha with extra peanuts tomorrow". Well, i wont mind that because its Friday tomorrow and its could not have been more simpler......

Have a great weekend folks! Talk to you on Monday...........................

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