Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tiffin Tales 124


Please tell me you all are doing well, at least sailing through. It's been quite a power packed week for us as we tried to fix quite a few things at home. A few mechanical things broke down, we took turns to fix them. The mixer stopped working, the vacuum cleaner got choked with innumerable lego pieces. The door handle of the bathroom came off adding to the fun. I am not quite a pro at fixing these but not a noob either. But the stress of fixing them because we are so dependent on these machineries added to more stress.

The last week was mechanically challenging and surprising that by the weekend time we almost curled up in our bed or sofa fearing any new fender-bender. The door handle was missing a tiny screw and we tried to search the entire area as though looking for a precious stone. We couldn't succeed but in that process cleaned and brushed the entire area multiple times.

We weren't exactly looking forward to any fun weekend either. We were impatiently waiting for the screw parts to arrive which we ordered online. The vacuum was choked to the maximum. It needed lot of time and patience which we spared and finally cleaned. Cleaning a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the house. Fun, huh! The mixer refused to go in circles and I had no idea why. We tried our best but couldn't figure out. Some heavenly stars might have taken pity and to our rescue we found an old mixer which just had the body without any accompaniments. We exactly needed that. The current jars fitted well and what more could we ask for. Get me some tea please!

All through out our weekend we were home, no food from outside, no movies. We tried to snuggle in one corner are praying silently for the things not to fall out of place. We cooked a bit though. The kids wanted to bake a cake and I insisted on a banana cake in order to capitalize those bananas. They were pretty good but they didn't survive the weekend though. No regrets though! I on my part made some rice dishes with vegetables and chicken.

The week started with rains and its cloudy today as well. A lot of new emotions have been added in our lives these days and putting them into words is an art which I am still learning. Let's see how this journey goes. We all are in this together. Stay safe and stay healthy....

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