Monday, April 13, 2020

Tiffin Tales 110


It's almost a month that we are at home now with everyone getting restless. We all are trying to lift each other's spirit from time and again to escape the flatness of the situation. Reading, baking, watching umpteen cartoons, movies, documentaries and not to forget the news we are trying our best to make our stay at home more colorful. The kids try doing crafts and living area is strewn with papers but I am not complaining because its the result of their productive time...

The world is so mysterious now. The busiest roads and airports of the world are all wearing deserted look. We all are indoors scared, confused and praying hard for these dark days to end soon. The busiest of the restaurants are all wearing forlorn looks. There are no table reservations, no looking forward to the weekend special items. On the contrary most people like me are wearing their heads down to manage with limited options and prepare nutritious meals. With everyone at people it's an added challenge to prepare soulful food with a toned down pantry.

Today is last day of Bengali calendar. This month of Chaitra is supposedly to have vegetarian food. Bengali's do not include onions and garlic in their vegetarian section. Previously people used to consume vegetarian food all throughout this month and on the first day feast with non vegetarian items. Well, we have all crossed those centuries long back and the only day that travelled with us is perhaps the last day of Chaitra. Now people just have strict vegetarian food on the last day and look for benediction. The next day which is the first calendar day is for gorging on sumptuous food items. I remember on the vegetarian day (that's how I say) my mother used to specially make an item with raw jackfruit. I miss it so badly. The memories are still so fresh just like the spring outside now.

Now when the world is such in a disruptive state I miss my parents all the more. I am all the time anxious for their health. I long to go to my home and I do not see that happening soon. I understand there are millions of people all around who right now need many basic amenities like food and medical help. Many people are already without job and money. We all are trying and praying. We are trying to help someone in need in whatever we can. We are praying not just for us but as an entire world. We need prayers and compassion to walk through this crisis.

Tomorrow is the first day of Bengali calendar. We are not preparing anything special. Instead we will be calling people to convey our wishes and pray a little longer. If all goes well, we will collectively celebrate this day with laughter and good food. Till then let's keep praying and sharing whatever little we can. Yes, stay indoors and stay safe.

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