Wishing all the mothers all over the world a very Happy Mother's Day. May you all be blessed with good health, positivity and more strength to endure all the battles that come your way. I am sure this year is a unique way to celebrate this day amidst such a world crisis. No one on this planet had perhaps ever dreamt that we would all be singing, dancing, cooking, baking, clicking, crying or missing our mothers sitting right inside our homes.
We all have our ways to celebrate our mothers love in different ways and in different forms. I am sure most of the mothers would agree that everyday is a children's day for the mothers and many celebrate their mothers almost everyday in whatever they do. A mothers love is from heart and not from womb and it reflects in every sphere of life. A woman can be a mother to her biological child, her adopted child or even to strangers child. There is a mother in every woman and its just the circumstances which brings out the feature to the fullest.
Some are very lucky to get their mothers love till a greater part of their lives while some just yearn for that. Some live with their mothers till they depart while others count every second till they go to meet them. We are all united when it comes to missing our mothers. Such is the power of mothers in our lives that we never stop missing them and no amount of time spent with them seems enough. I feel at times life starts with mother and never ceases to end even if it be with her memories.
People like who stay away miles away from their families perhaps feel it everyday and every moment. But I count my blessings because I can still see them or talk to them. I dread that day when I will be just left with memories. The womb nurtures but mothers touch and words always soothe and heal. Only one person who will always listen to my complaints and rants without judging much and provide me with options and solutions. So how can it be just one day?
I am not into celebrating these days because I always need an excuse to get some time for myself every single. I always call my mother and try to make sure she is feeling loved and remembered every moment of the day. My kids try to make me feel special though by making a card or baking a cake with their father. We all like to be loved and understood.
There are so many things to write here but I will sign off now. May all the mothers never go through the pain of putting their children hungry to sleep. It almost burns my heart when kids cry for food and mothers feel helpless. May all mothers enjoy motherhood amidst all struggles, hardships, stigmas and shine bright in the lives of her children. May love and gratitude surround her always. My wish and my prayer as I go to sleep now. Enjoy...
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