Thursday, January 10, 2019

Tiffin Tales 78


Hope everyone is doing well. We are battling another cold, windy and cloudy day. The temperatures have dipped a bit and we cannot complain because it's January. The icy cold winds hit the face whenever we step outside.

The mornings are harder especially for the kids. But i love to see them smiling and jumping at the bus stops. The urge to go to school and be with friends makes them so happy. I so enjoy their smiles and the positive spirit.

Time rushes so fast. There was time when my S used to cry to go school because he would miss his mom but now its role reversal. These days he wants to go to the bus stop all by himself. Even though we accompany him to the stop but he always walks a few steps ahead of us in order to met his friends at the earliest. He wants us to wait till the bus leaves so that we wave him bye but most of the days he is happily busy chatting with his friends. The mommy is happily sad a bit. I always want him to be happy but sometimes selfishness takes some space.

Okay since its a cold day my S wanted something special. He wanted some broccoli rice with some grilled chicken. It was rather easy for me. I had some boneless chicken in my freezer which in the morning i grilled it with salt, a dash of pepper and a drop of lemon juice. His broccoli rice was easiest with some butter. The snack box was apples and chips and yoghurt.

How was your Thursday? I am sure you all are looking forward to Friday. Share your thoughts, ideas or your plans if possible.

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