Friday, January 11, 2019

Tiffin Tales 79


Welcome to another weekend. Yes despite the cold and windy weather we all made it to the weekend. The sun is shying and we completely understand as the season demands it. The winds are getting stronger and my layers have increased. The cough and cold become almost members of the families.

Over years i have also realized how weather affects our mood too. A bright sunny day almost instantly brightens a face or broadens the smile whereas a rainy or dull day makes everything look so gaunt. The trees wear doleful look making us yearn for summer days to come soon.

This morning my S was standing next to the calendar and he wanted to change it from January to March. The reason he wants spring, and i laughed heartily. He says winters makes him sad and spring cheers him him and summer makes him the happiest. I had to patiently explain him that nature and time has its own cycle and we have to adhere to it. Our life cycles are also similar to nature where we experience all seasons. Winters are perhaps the last season we experience in our lives. Well thats how nature is. Lets all respect nature, protect it before we are left with no natural resources.

I cheered my S reminding him that today being Friday he can have his favorite pizza for lunch in school. His smile for sure brightened my day. His snack box had apples and a small of chips.

Enjoy all the seasons of your lives, for we humans do not get another chance to get those season or time back. Happy Weekend.

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