Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Tiffin Tales 84


Phew, whaaaat a weather. It's been snowing and raining sometimes a mix of both and what not. The weather department must have decided to declare this month as cloudy and windy by now. The temperatures are constantly oscillating with children being the worst victims.

Life is so strange. We grew up in a tropical climate and used to get excited on seeing snow on screens. The television used to broadcast weather reports from all around the world and snow reports used to gather more attention from us. Now decades later when I see snow it certainly amazes me for the first couple of hours. Later when my feet and the car starts to skid I don't have too many nice words for snow then. The pristine beauty is at its peak when the sun shines brightly the day after snow and everything looks shimmering. Growing up in tropical climate has taught us deal with insects and other rodents. Spiders and lizards were common and we never freaked out the way my children do now. In a way life taught us a better way to live in our eco system  or rather patiently living.

The snow has been relentless for the past few days. The slushy roads along with big grains of magnesium salt has all been a part of our lives this winter. We are impatiently waiting for spring to arrive this year.

This morning started with winds and then the clouds giving way to sun. Last night my S dropped a packet of chips on the carpet and I guess out of guilt he woke up early to clean the mess. I appreciated his gesture and applauded the fact that he did not do that out of fear but as a sense of responsibility. When the child slowly starts acting responsibly we mothers get happy kickstart to do our job of parenting on a more higher level. Last night I made 'crumbled paneer' to go with 'dal'. I saved some because my S liked it. This morning I used those along with rice and vegetables to make it paneer fried rice. I added some cashew nuts and a few raisins to it. The snack box was simple with a banana, a small chocolate and a yoghurt.

Enjoy the season till it lasts while I am enjoying now is with fresh oranges. Plum and juicy its the perfect accompaniment to enjoy the winter sun...

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