Monday, February 25, 2019

Tiffin Tales 88


Welcome to another week. What's up with everyone and everything? I hope you all are enjoying or even if not taking deep breaths to escape the chaos around you or taking a small vacations to rejuvenate yourselves from time to time. Whatever you do make sure never to neglect yourself or your health. If you are fit then you will generate that feeling to the people around you.

I had a virtual friend of a few years who was a nice middle aged lady with two kids. Being a working mom she used to leave early and come home in the evening. She regularly used to make nice meals for her kids and husband to ensure they all get the best nutrition and to spend some quality time at the dinner table. With heaps of work in the office she used to mange some time to get herself clicked whenever she wore a new dress or anything new for that matter. She was quite active on the social media and enjoyed her attention. She was a doting mother too and never missed helping her kids with their home works or any other assignments.

As I always say life always has its own route and somehow and at some point we align ourselves to move towards that direction. Last week we woke up to the shocking news that her husband who was in his mid forties passed away due to cardiac arrest. I pinched myself to believe that and couldn't even comprehend what she was going through. Like a house of cards which smashed her life along with her children is in tumultuous state now. Losing someone who had no prior illness is the hardest thing to accept. We can offer condolences or pray for her but the storm in her mind and lives can only be slowed down by time. It will take some time before they find a grip over their lives once again. Life can be so harsh at times. When we snatch a toy from a child, the child cries for a few minutes but in case of adults the tears never stops whenever our closed person is snatched from us. The pain never really goes away we somehow learn to live it. I pray for her and her children so that they too can bear the pain and walk the path to future. Let the lost love resonate from all corners of the universe and protect them.

I am sure by now you all must have envisaged what I am trying to say. Love the people around you  because time abducts and sweeps away a lot of things. This morning for my S's lunch box I had 'roti and subzi'. By now I am sure you know what these are ;)

Stay well and take care everyone...

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