Friday, October 19, 2018

Tiffin Tales 35


It's Friday again and its drizzling here. The temperatures have dipped a bit and we all are looking for some comfort food. Be it a bowl of hot soups, or some nice warm dinner this weekend is going to be spent at home and lots of food.

Today is the day of Vijaya Dashami when goodness triumphed over evil and Goddess Durga returned to her abode. People with tears bid a farewell to her and wait for return for the following year. Bengali women on this day go near the Durga idols offer her vermillion and sweets and seek her blessings. Following that all women exchange sweets, dance and those sweet moments become memories till the Goddess visits again.

Bengali homes on this day cook special meal even though food is an integral part of her homecoming. Most households make puffed 'luchis' and spicy chicken or mutton curry for dinner. Tonight even though i do not have any such plan but definitely have plans for 'luchi' though. There is a subtle difference between 'luchi' and 'puri'. I am still wondering what should be the accompaniment. I do not have any chicken in my freezer so will mostly make some cauliflower curry.

When i woke up this morning, the first thought that came to my mind is that Maa Durga is on her way to her home. Even though a part of me became sad yet the faith that she is omnipresent somehow consoles us.

The past week all my posts have been on the Goddess. In the midst of everything we include her, in our thoughts, in our dreams and of course in our craziness.

My S wanted 'aloo paratha' today for lunch. Even though making them early morning is tedious yet i happily adhere to his request. Less on spicy with some additional butter i packed him 'aloo parathas'. The snack box was a bit different with some pears, fruit bar and a cheese stick.

Enjoy your weekend and take rest. Your body needs nourishment so does your soul.

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