Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tiffin Tales 43


Happy Halloween to everyone who or whose children are celebrating. The pumpkin gets a royal treatment today and forgotten tomorrow. Children today have donned lots of nice character dresses and the elder ones got the opportunity to dye or paint their faces.

The boys mostly wear the spider-man, batman, star war characters while the girls enjoy various Disney princess characters. My visual experience so far. There are so many options in the market these days to create some unique characters. Last year i saw a lot of kids dressed up as trolls characters and they indeed looked adorable in those.

This morning students near the bus stop were almost unrecognizable with all their masks and helmets. Everyone was super excited to scare the other and it was a fun to see all the children. Last night we had a small birthday celebration and my S overjoyed on seeing his friends. A small gathering over cake and pizzas and a tired S went to bed early. This morning he woke up a couple of minutes earlier and i was surprised. I almost thought i would have to drag him out of bed given his energy levels went down yesterday after all those giggling and running around. With a twinkle in his eyes he explained that he wanted to open his gifts and that's the reason why he woke up early. Both the mommy and son excitedly opened and appreciated each gift that he received.

It is very important for kids to learn about gratitude and be appreciative. Over the years i have gently tried to explain him that size of the gift box never matters. It's the love and emotions that counts. I do not know how far my teachings will remain with him in the long run but at least i can comfort my self that 'i tried'.

On a Halloween day he wanted to eat something colorful. So i made him beetroot rice and gave him sautéed vegetables separately. His snack box had grapes and fig bars and a yoghurt.

All from the month of October. Catch you all in November.

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