Thursday, December 20, 2018

Santa is coming


How are you all doing? We are just sailing through the tides today. It isn't a pleasant day at our house today. The morning started with dark clouds and rain. The kids slept longer and I had to almost drag my S out of bed. It seemed the holiday season kicked in him earlier than it should.

He did wake and started to cry for some insane things. But the biggest storm was the question 'What is Santa getting me for Christmas?' I calmly tried to explain him that presents can be anything and need not be exactly what we want. But I found it hard to explain that gifts are just and should not be compared to someone else's.

I exactly know how it feels to see kids who are blessed with gifts and presents on their birthdays and other events.  Children of low income families realize it pretty early that life isn't fair to them. Some kids get almost half of the toy store if not the entire store whereas the others smile with some coloring books and a candy stick. There have been years after years when we never got any presents but that didn't stop us from loving our friends and neighbors. The concept of sharing was more alleviated i guess. My son constantly says that a child in his class has a nice apple watch and he keeps looking at that, to which my husband says keep looking till you earn it in the next few years. Of course he bursts into tears.

Children these days are quite sensitive and can gauge the emotions very easily. The sense of being less privileged dawns in them very early in life. I knew a kid who used to pester his mom with questions. Does Santa visit only the rich families? Does Santa have any monetary problems? Why isn't he fair to all the children? The questions used to haunt his mom and at times the mom used to burst out failing to answer those.

We as parents know where the nicely wrapped presents come from. We all love our children and want the best for them but in that process lets teach them the quality of compassion and contentment. Contentment is very, very important in life. It teaches us to balance between expectations and desire.

Well, concentrating on Santa, I would like to request Santa to instill the sense of love and sharing amongst the people. Children of low income groups always have to feel the pinch every year while their peers are blessed with a nice ipad or any gadgets that others can just dream of. Parents of that group work tirelessly to set up a decent Christmas meal and bring some joy at their children's face. They struggle all year to pay bills and other necessities but on this day let there be joy and smiles in all the homes. Let the smell of cakes and cookies be stronger and hugs be more tighter.

If you agree with me 'high five'...

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