Monday, November 26, 2018

Tiffin Tales 61


How are you all doing at the start of another week? We had almost a snow blizzard last night and the area looks like covered with a thick blanket of ice. This morning early commuters were seen busy cleaning up their cars especially the wind screens and the cars were taking longer than the usual time to warm up. As there was a snow prediction for Sunday hurried shoppers including me thronged to the grocery to pick up the necessities for the next two days. I realized that i needed some bread, jam and a tray of eggs to keep us happily moving in the snowy days. But the long queue at the cash registers almost threw me off.

Later in Sunday we got a call from the school authorities to inform us that the schools will be closed due to heavy snow and boy you should have seen my S's happiness. He was elated with his extended vacation. This morning after he had his milk he requested me to go out in the snow for sometime. We bundled up and we played outside till it started to hurt in the knuckles and there were tears in eyers due to the wind. We took some customary pictures to share with our families. Our families always warn us not to play outside but i guess we have built some sort of immunity towards these words over the years. Whenever we share pictures the first reaction is always heavy and sombre followed by love and affectionate words.

As there was no school today we had some leisure lunch. The meal was a typical Bengali lunch with 'dal', 'kumro chochori' and fish curry with 'dhone pata'. Dinner will be noodles with vegetables and eggs. Tomorrow another school week starts and so starts the grind.

I hope you all enjoy the last week of November and the new season brings lots of warmth and smiles in your lives.

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